Welcome to the PartnerSPEAK Forum

Welcome, We’re so glad that you’ve found us :sunflower:

PartnerSPEAK provides advocacy and support for non-offending partners, family members, friends, or anyone else who is affected by a person’s involvement in child sexual abuse and child exploitation material.

Be Part of a Supportive Community

PartnerSPEAK aims to provide a safe space for you to share your experiences and stories and ask other members for advice and support. Join us in creating a supportive community where we can openly share our experiences without fear of judgement. We know that each persons lived experience is personal and unique to them. There is NO “correct” way of moving through this or being on this journey; there is only each person’s unique way. ALL experiences are valid, whether they are similar or polar opposite; our community is in allowance of different Worldviews and experiences without the need to other or further marginalise anyone with a different Worldview to our own.

All Posts are Moderated

The PartnerSPEAK forum is managed by individuals like you, with Lived Experience. We are not counsellors but Peers, and use the Intentional Peer Support Model to frame our practice. To ensure the content on the PartnerSPEAK forum is supportive of ALL its users, all posts are moderated before they are published on the forum. As our website is not monitored 24/7 you may notice that there is sometimes a small delay with the approval process.


Please be aware, PartnerSPEAK has an obligation and responsibility to report any cases of child abuse and exploitation material where the police are not yet involved. If you share details of an unreported crime on the forum PartnerSPEAK can support you to report the crime and may make a report with the information we have.

Posts that mention other services, organisations or media

You may read posts from forum members that mention other services they have used or organisations they have accessed, media they have read or watched. Although this can be helpful to learn how others have navigated their own experiences, please note that reference on this forum of any specific services, organisations, products or media, DOES NOT imply endorsement by PartnerSPEAK. Everyone’s lived experience and circumstances are different, and we encourage you to know that ultimately you what is and will work best for you and your loved ones.